Why Take the Pledge?
We are moved to act by the simple fact that women make up only 15 percent of the nation's transportation workforce, which numbers nearly 15 million, and women face a wide range of disparities resulting from an ecosystem not designed for our mobility needs and travel patterns. We believe it is time for change.
In order to effectively solve the complex challenges of the transportation industry, all perspectives are valuable and essential - including yours. MobilityXX is committed to increasing the number of women in the transportation industry by 10% over the next 10 years. #10in10
It is vital that organizations commit to the goal of #10in10 by signing our MobilityXX Pledge. The Pledge process includes selecting and documenting two pledge Action Items by September 2022.
Pledge Benefits
Your company’s logo on the MobilityXX website as part of the Pledge Program
MobilityXX Social Media Toolkit, to share your commitment with your networks
Access to four peer exchange workshops, facilitated by Center for Automotive Diversity, Inclusion, & Advancement (CADIA), and resources to help your organization succeed in implementing pledge actions. Workshop topics include the following:
DEI Foundations Workshop
Inclusive Leadership Workshop
Unconscious Bias Workshop
Microinequities Workshop
One complimentary log-in to CADIA Academy, an on-demand resource for training on leadership and DEI
Discounted CADIA membership